We are pleased to introduce you the new version of Relational pipes. It brings several important features:
, feed the relation to e.g. GNU R and compute some statistics or generate some nice graphs.
and fetches metadata of given files. Supports various name/path formats, size, owner, symlinks… and extended attributes (xattr).
The output can be customized using CLI arguments.
This tool can be used to catalogue disk contents, search files or to collect data for some statistics like:
How much space does files in particular formats occupy? or
From which domains I download files most often?
Other use case is: save the output of relpipe-in-filesystem
in a file and use it as an index of our files (even on offline media).
See the examples page for details.
Instalation was tested on Debian GNU/Linux 9.6. The process should be similar on other distributions.
# Install dependencies as root:
su -c "apt install g++ make cmake mercurial pkg-config"
su -c "apt install libxerces-c-dev" # needed only for relpipe-in-xml module
# Run rest of installation as a non-root user:
export RELPIPE_VERSION="v0.9"
export RELPIPE_SRC=~/src
export RELPIPE_BUILD=~/build
export RELPIPE_INSTALL=~/install
rm -rf "$RELPIPE_BUILD"/relpipe-*
# Helper functions:
relpipe_download() { for m in "$@"; do cd "$RELPIPE_SRC" && ([[ -d "relpipe-$m.cpp" ]] && hg pull -R "relpipe-$m.cpp" && hg update -R "relpipe-$m.cpp" "$RELPIPE_VERSION" || hg clone -u "$RELPIPE_VERSION" https://hg.globalcode.info/relpipe/relpipe-$m.cpp) || break; done; }
relpipe_install() { for m in "$@"; do cd "$RELPIPE_BUILD" && mkdir -p relpipe-$m.cpp && cd relpipe-$m.cpp && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="$RELPIPE_INSTALL" "$RELPIPE_SRC/relpipe-$m.cpp" && make && make install || break; done; }
# Download all sources:
relpipe_download lib-protocol lib-reader lib-writer lib-cli lib-xmlwriter in-cli in-fstab in-xml in-csv in-filesystem out-gui.qt out-nullbyte out-ods out-tabular out-xml out-csv tr-cut tr-grep tr-python tr-sed tr-validator
# Build and install libraries:
relpipe_install lib-protocol lib-reader lib-writer lib-cli lib-xmlwriter
# Build and install tools:
relpipe_install in-fstab in-cli in-fstab in-xml in-csv tr-cut tr-grep tr-sed out-nullbyte out-ods out-tabular out-xml out-csv
# relpipe_install in-filesystem # requires GCC 8 or patching (see below)
# Clean-up:
unset -f relpipe_install
unset -f relpipe_download
unset -v RELPIPE_SRC
# View your fstab like on an 80s green screen terminal!
relpipe-in-fstab | relpipe-out-tabular
Download: examples/release-v0.9.sh
Relational pipes are modular thus you can download and install only parts you need (the libraries are needed always).
Tools out-gui.qt
and tr-python
require additional libraries and are not built by default.
The module relpipe-in-filesystem
uses C++ filesystem API which is supported since GCC 8.
This module can be compiled and seems usable even with GCC 6, but requires some patching (switch to the experimental API):
sed 's@#include <filesystem>@#include <experimental/filesystem>@g' -i "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/FileAttributeFinder.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/XattrAttributeFinder.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/FilesystemCommand.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/AttributeFinder.h
sed 's@std::filesystem@std::experimental::filesystem@g' -i "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/FileAttributeFinder.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/XattrAttributeFinder.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/FilesystemCommand.h "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/AttributeFinder.h
sed 's/.*PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD.*/#\0/g' -i "$RELPIPE_SRC"/relpipe-in-filesystem.cpp/src/CMakeLists.txt
Relational pipes, open standard and free software © 2018-2022 GlobalCode